We have a wealth of experience in Accounting and Taxation.  We work and advise individuals and businesses over our varied range of business services. 

We build very close relationships with our clients by carefully providing solutions for all kind of needs.  

Tax Efficient Specialist Investments

We know that tax can be a real drain on your wealth, so we will work with clients to plan for suitable and affective tax strategies carefully.

Small businesses often find it difficult raising capital.  We assist in this process through government led generous tax incentives to encourage private investment through scheemes such as:

  • Enterprise Investmens scheme  (EIS)
  • Venture Capital Trusts (VCT)
  • Stocks and Shares Individual Savings Accounts

Estate Planning

This is a process by which an individual or family arranges the transfer of assets in anticipation of death.

A well thought out plan can prevent the problem of placing your family in the position of facing uncertainty or difficulty at the worst possible time.

Inheritance tax (IHT) is due on the estate of a person who passes away or, potentially, on trusts and gifts that have been made by a person during their lifetime.

There is a inheritance tax liability on an estate if the value has exceeded a set government threshold.

Your last will & testament is a key part of IHT planning, so you will work with your chosen professional experts who take the time to understand your personal circumstances, living will and final wishes, while also reviewing the tax efficiency strategies for your estate.